Tuesday, March 6, 2007

How to play Mahjong – Part 5

The first player will have 14 tiles and the following players are 13 tiles. Why the first players have to take 14 tiles? This is because the first player will need to throw one of his/her unused tiles out on the table for the others player. Players can decide to “chow” , “pung” and “kang” . But only the next player can “chow” , the third and forth player can only “pung” and “kang” .

Below is the explanation of “chow” , “pung” and “kang” :

“Chow” : Consists of 3 tiles. Player need to use 2 of his/her tiles which need to be a sequence number of the tiles which throw by previous player and it must be in the same type.
san shi wu wan

“Pung” : Consist of 3 tiles. Player need to use 2 of his/her tiles which must be exact same type of tile.
san wan pung

“Kang” : Consist of 4 tiles. Player need to use 2 of his/her tiles which must be exact same type of tile.
san wan kang

While playing
Pictures show that the game is resuming.

tiles view
The way of a player in adjusted the tiles

Play with throwing out the unused tile out to the table
Players throw out the unused tile out to the table.


Francis Yeo said...

can u show some picture of "chow", "pung" and "kang"

jason tan said...

ok, sure

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